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Forum Posts

Is the USB library threadsafe?

Posted on February 16, 2018 at 17:10I am developing on the STM32F0 using the USB library and encounter problems when my main routine starts to send data early after the device received the SetConfiguration request.So far I could narrow it down to th...

Activate DFU using HAL driver on STM32F072

Posted on February 16, 2018 at 12:12Hi all,I am trying to set up my STM32F072 device so that I can connect it to my computer via USB and upgrade the firmware using DfuSe software. I did all the wiring to do so but my problem is that I want to activa...

QuadSPI data read as classic SPI

Posted on February 16, 2018 at 10:38Hi all,I am trying to use the QuadSPI of STM32H743 as a classic SPI but using four lines. The point is that quadspi uses several phases  (instrucction, direction, dummy, anternative, data) and I would like to skip...