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Hello everyone,I want to contact STM32F103VC and STM32F407 with canbus protocol without transceiver.I set baudrate 60kHz. but I can not send or receive data. Can you hel please ?Thank you.
Hello everyone,I want to use 3 stm32f103 with SPI. two of them will be slave and other one is master.I did communicate this card as a master and a slave. but When I add two slave I gave date from a slave. I did not to communicate between 3 card. Ple...
I want to i2c to communicate two STM32F103. one of them will be a slave and other will be master. But program is stop on this : void SendI2CByteData (I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx, uint8_t SlaveAddr, uint8_t Data){ __IO uint8_t temp = 0; I2C_GenerateSTART(I2Cx, ...
Hello everyone,I want to receive humidty from SHT21 sensor. I received first or a few data and then this communication stop. Why? Can you help me please ? this is datasheet of SHT21Thank you
Hello everyone, I configured TIM1 for pwm. I will use CH3 and CH4. CH4 works well, but CH3 does not work. Sometimes when I load program first time CH3 works, But When I turn off the power and then turn on power CH3 does not work. Is there anyone who ...
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