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Forum Posts

Use I2S_CKIN external clock source for SPI?

Posted on April 04, 2018 at 17:08Is it possible to use the I2S_CKIN external clock source for SPI rather than come off the peripheral clock? From the reference manual it appears that this external clock is available as a source only when the SPI is ...

Option to generate C++ project (for SW4STM32)

Posted on December 29, 2016 at 11:21Hello,Currently, there is a possibility to generate C projects for different IDEs including SW4STM32, which uses gcc for compilation. But one can also use C++ code with g++ compiler supporting cool c++11/14 featur...

AES feature in STM32F733ZE

Posted on April 02, 2018 at 08:32I'm going to using AES feature in STM32F733ZE  but the the datasheet doesn't have much information regarding AES .Do you know how much speed of AES in the STM32F733ZE  ? And do we have any any demonstration evaluatio...

Hau Lam by Associate II
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Iwdg stm32f401

Posted on March 29, 2018 at 15:22Salut.Is there an working example and good practice to configure and drive iwdg with stm32f401.Clock Lsi 32khz.Calcul timeout.ThksYoann

STM32F334 RTC Smooth Calibration

Posted on April 20, 2017 at 13:46Hi,Trying to calibrate the RTC, Using a LSE with 32768kHz xtal, which is running at a frequency of 32985.6Hz.// with 32768Hz LSE, with AsynchPre=0x7f(128), // CALIBOUT = 257.7Hz (measured on a scope)// 32768/128 = 25...


Posted on March 22, 2018 at 09:24hi to everyone I'm trying to use the library 21 sd_card demo by

STM32F7/H7 and ultra-wide display

Posted on April 03, 2018 at 11:34Is there any possibility that STM32F7/H7 chip can drive an LCD-TFT 1600x480 display, or the XGA resolution is unbreakable limit for the controllers? Maybe someone tried something similar before and can share with his...

Connect esp8266 with stm32

Posted on April 04, 2018 at 12:02Hi all,Here I am doing project of interfacing esp8266 module with stm32 Nucleo.The objective is the esp8266 wifi module has to connect with local wifi's.Can you please suggest me with your ideas.Thank you,

Resolved! RTC smooth calibration on STM32L072CZ

Posted on April 03, 2018 at 20:32Hi all,Summary: With external 32.768kHz crystal and RTC PREDIV_S=32767 and PREDIV_A=0 I cannot RTC configure smooth calibration correctly, specifically it seems impossible to set the CALP bit in the CALR register.Det...