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RTC register write strangeness, F429-446

Posted on February 17, 2018 at 02:53/******************************* Unlock and set clock sources **********************/PWR->CR = (1<<8); //Disable Backup Domain write protectionRCC->BDCR |= RCC_BDCR_RTCEN;    //RTC clock enabledRCC->BDCR |= RCC_BD...

CubeMX 4.23.0 bugs NUCLEO-H743ZI

Posted on October 25, 2017 at 18:27Hi guys.1.)I already mentioned a bug in the previous CubeMX release.Enabling Ethernet CubeMX reservesPB12 for ETH_TXD0andPB11 for ETH_TX_ENand writes the wrong settings in ethernetif.cBut it must be:PG13 for ETH_TX...

STM32F303RE ADC2+DMA2 Don't working

Posted on February 12, 2018 at 16:09HiI am trying to develop a project via the STM32F303RE Nucle Board. In the project, I need to read analog data from channel 0 (PA4) on the ADC2 hardware.  For this I made an init code.void ADC_DMA_Configuration(vo...


FMC concurrent usages and priority (SDRAM and NOR/PSRAM)

Posted on February 16, 2018 at 17:24High-Level question Detailed descriptionI have two parallel usages of the FMC on an STM32F4 processor: - One that writes to SDRAM with DMA2 Stream 1 - One that reads from an external ADC (FMC NOR Flash/PSRAM contr...

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Is the USB library threadsafe?

Posted on February 16, 2018 at 17:10I am developing on the STM32F0 using the USB library and encounter problems when my main routine starts to send data early after the device received the SetConfiguration request.So far I could narrow it down to th...