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Forum Posts

Resolved! CAN message repeats flood bus

Posted on March 12, 2018 at 18:30Hello,I have a system using the CAN bus with a STM32F303 talking to a motor controller and a STM32F722 silently monitoring the F3 / motor controller communications.  It seems to work relatively reliably.While bringin...

when I use GPIOx_BSRR

Posted on March 12, 2018 at 12:02when I use GPIOx_BSRR to contral I/O port, it hint me ''error:  #136: struct ''<unnamed>''  has no field ''BSRR'',why?can you help me?  what is the meaning?


STM32F303 Bin File

Posted on March 05, 2018 at 04:01I was analyzing my program bin file to locate the Stack address, PC, Interrupts and Program code and the data section.Everything looked sorted until interrupts, When it came to the  program code and Data section, i w...


Problem with writing code for tft lcds

Posted on March 04, 2018 at 21:11Hello, guys.I'm trying to get started with a TFT LCD.4.7 with the ILI9487 driver.And I have some problems.First of all, a couldn't find any library for the driver I have.Next is that I can't find any resources that e...

STM32 external temperature sensor

Posted on March 12, 2018 at 20:09Hello, I have stm32f4 discovery board and i will connect dallas DS18S20 temperature sensor to it. I am wondering what would be the easiest way to read the temperature of the sensor ? I dont even know where to begin. ...