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I'm using a STM32L062 MCU to interface a BLE module via UART. I have setup DMA with idle line detection to receive data of unknown packet lengths. I'm receiving packets from the BLE module and the software seems to be working fine. However, I noticed...
I'm using STM32L062K08 MCU with HAL library. I found out setting idle line interrupt causes program to hang. It worked when I used for UART2. __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&huart1, UART_IT_IDLE);  // enable idle line interruptWhat could be the possible reason...
I'm trying to stop the processor for 9s and run for 1s using the low power timer. All my attempts have failed and I can't get it to work. Once its running it needs to switch ON the LED, transmit a packet and wait for few seconds for commands from a L...
Posted on July 13, 2018 at 03:12I'm trying to put STM32L0 into a low power sleep mode. I want it to sleep for 9.5s and wake up for 0.5s. Once it's awake it needs to switch on LEDs, check for any interrupts from a Lora radio module and process the da...
Posted on June 20, 2018 at 01:45I'm trying to use printf to SWO viewer on ST-LINK utility for debugging purposes. I'm using a STM32L062K8, which has a Cortex M0+processor. After much research on the internet, found out that ITM trace is not availabl...