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STM32 USB CDC VCP Windows Driver

Posted on April 12, 2018 at 05:49I am developing a product which uses ST USB CDC stack. Windows can list this device as a serial com. I am using ST PID and VID.My question is it seems needs to install ST driver to make this device working. Usually i...

jiangpen by Associate II
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STM32 CubeMX USB CDC does not transmit

Posted on April 27, 2018 at 23:51 STM32F407VETxBlank CubeMX project template plus USB_DEVICE middleware using CDC classSW4STM32firmware STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.16.0only modified code from generated templates is this (in main.c):  /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */...

Measured VREFINT value very low

Posted on August 14, 2017 at 02:57The ADC calibration on an STM32F303 is making my head hurt!!I'm using latest HAL library (v1.9.0) and start with calling HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start() for each ADC I'm using. I then read the factory calibration fact...

STM32F0 SPI slave mode issue TXRX HAL

Posted on January 13, 2016 at 17:24 Hi, I'm using an STM32F0306 in SPI slave mode *** a sub processor in a project. I used cubeMX to generate the initialization and have added functions in Keil v4 The ST part is in slave mode, 8 bit...


LWIP+!DHCP+AutoIP->Custom IP

Posted on February 13, 2018 at 14:27My projects with 32F107 runs DHCP ON works fine on LAN.I want my MCU get custom IP when I connect to PC without DHCP Server.I am using cube and already set Should I use autoIP or insert code when DHCP fail.Do I ha...

STM32F302 CAN interrupt handling

Posted on November 30, 2017 at 09:59Hi,I have some issue setting up CAN for STM32F302 using Keil. As a starting point I used the Keil STM32 CAN Example: seems to work, except the interrupt handling....

paul2 by Senior
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Posted on December 09, 2015 at 09:21hi, in my project we are using virtual com port for a communication between pc(usb) and stm32f103(USB). But due to ground loop and noise we are facing communication problems. so, to over come this we are planning ...

Data logging issue using FATFS function ''F_WRITE ''

Posted on April 11, 2014 at 08:05Can some one please help me out my issue is ,I have a STM32 Hy mini  board which I am trying to log data onto a SD card through SDIO interface  but  ''f_write'' function hangs while writing 1092 bytes of data stream ...

soobia by Associate II
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