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download code to stm32f429

Posted on July 10, 2018 at 16:49How to download the code to the microcontroller?I am a beginner in stm32f429 and I don't understand that how to download the code to the microcontroller.i am using eclipse(the IDE) on windows. i hope you can help beca...

LCD on STMf4xx using FSMC

Posted on July 09, 2018 at 09:04I have been teaching myself to user the STM32 MCUs.I have done the usual blink and LED and create a Delay timer, setup a UART as a serial console for debugging.I did also write a I2C software slave using and interrupt...

STlink utility upgrade crashed

Posted on July 12, 2018 at 11:32I have an old version of the st link utility and I have to upgrade it in order to program new STM32H7xx devices.Removing the old version with the windows tool crashed.Installing the new one crash again : 1/ 'Setup cou...

tarzan2 by Associate III
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Posted on July 12, 2018 at 10:35I am beginner in stm32 i have configured 3 external interrupt and rtc alarm ,lptimerhow to enter the low power run mode.exit when one of the interrupt signal received and  rtc alaram 

Why is LSE limited to 1MHz?

Posted on July 09, 2018 at 18:19Hi everyone,going through the datasheets of STM32L4x1 processors (probably concerns further processors as well) I found that LSE is always limited to 1MHz but my question is what limits it, i.e. can I use LSE > 1MHz i...

STM32L451 strange RTC issue

Posted on July 11, 2018 at 17:03I'm curious if anyone else has seen this issue.We are using 20 ppm LSE at 32768hz as the clock source for our RTC.  Over an 8 hour period, we are a few seconds off vs. the expected max of .6 S for the 20 ppm.Our syste...

mhage by Associate II
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