2018-10-16 7:48 AM
I was working on the MCU STM32F429 while it was connected to the PCB when it shorted unexpectedly. The PCB at the time wasn't being used to power the board, or drive the motors. The Power source was my laptop and no external batteries. The USB cable was current protected (and so is the board, I expect). The board was working fine since 2-3 hrs while I was debugging some errors in my code through semihosting. The code was written to communicate with an Arduino UNO to get PS3 controller readings. The lcd screen and the LEDs flashed out suddenly. On reconnecting again, the chip was heating up like crazy and Vcc and GND were clearly short. The PCB has been checked thoroughly and seems to be fine.
2018-10-16 8:47 AM
Interesting, sounds like you're design needs more work, and you're going to have to replace the chip.
2018-10-16 11:12 PM
> Interesting, sounds like you're design needs more work, and you're going to have to replace the chip.
I agree.
> The PCB at the time wasn't being used to power the board, or drive the motors.
"Drive the motors" sounds like inductive loads. I would start with reviewing related protective measures.