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STM32 USB OTG and RXFLVL interrupt masking

Posted on April 24, 2014 at 22:19This question was asked during a code review. The function that reads a packet from RxFIFO masks the `RxFIFO nonempty' (RXFLVL) interrupt while reading the packet (both in our code and the standard USB OTG device lib...

STM32F4 + USB-FS + SDIO , USB transfer complete

Posted on April 23, 2018 at 05:58I am using STM32F4 to make a usb msc device using USB-FS and SDIO. EVerything is working great. I am not able to detect the USB transfer complete interrupt. Any clue about it.I am using the most updated version of cu...

STM32F407 UART Communication

Posted on May 24, 2018 at 08:42 I am trying to set up a communication between my STM32F4 - Discovery with Open 407V-D development board and a peripheral using UART3 as a RS-485 bus. I have problem with my communication becouse Rx state of UART...

retriggerable one pulse mode in CubeMX

Posted on February 11, 2018 at 17:47 Hey everyone, Got a little issue that I'm a little confused on. I want to use a one pulse mode to output a pulse of length dependent on the input signal. So essentially, when the trigger goes off, I wan...

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con3 by Senior
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SPI delay between bytes write...

Posted on January 11, 2018 at 13:29Hi,I am using STM32L4 MCU. Facing a problem with SPI communication.MCU clock:48MhzSPI clock enabled as 6MhzUsing a interrupt for SPI write.I am seeing 17us time duration (3us clock + 14ms idle time) between a bytes...

LPTIM Counter in Stop2 Mode

Posted on July 05, 2018 at 10:15Hi, everyone. I'm implementing a shock counter using STM32L476 LPTIM counter & LIS2DH12 click interrupt.I connect LIS2DH12 INT2 pin to LPTIM_IN1 to implement shock counter. ( I expect increment of LPTIM counter when s...

STM32 sleep mode

Posted on May 23, 2013 at 11:00Hi!There's question about sleep mode for STM32F103. When I tried to use STOP mode with event wakeup (WFE) and AWU timer, clocking from LSI, and it was needed to control CAN-bus and USART1 at the same time.Could you hel...

mbedTLS enable DEBUG logs

Posted on December 27, 2017 at 08:15I am using STM32F769I-DISCO. and using STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.8.0I am testing mbedTLS SSL_Client example.I want to enable mbedTLS DEBUG log in the code.#stm32-f7 #mbedtls

ritesh by Associate II
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STM32 USB CDC VCP Windows Driver

Posted on April 12, 2018 at 05:49I am developing a product which uses ST USB CDC stack. Windows can list this device as a serial com. I am using ST PID and VID.My question is it seems needs to install ST driver to make this device working. Usually i...

jiangpen by Associate II
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