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Forum Posts

CAN transmision failed

HiI design a custom board with STM32f429. I want to send and receive messages via CAN. I can receive message but I can't send any message. I used HAL library and SPL library and they have the same result. How can i resolve it?

Help with compiler errors

I am trying to compile a portion of code from a project I found on github. I made a new project with MXCube and am compiling with the Ac6/Eclipse environment. I am getting the following compiler error:In file included from C:/CircuitAbbey/Development...

No timers on custom F091 hardware, debug wonky

I have a custom board with an STM32F091. I cannot seem to get any timer action, and the debugger is unstable. I am using the internal clock source and CubeMX to configure. I am just looking to make a 1mS timer for a simple scheduler. I have tried tim...

HAL_CAN_Init() returns HAL_TIMEOUT on STM32F042

Hello, I generated a fresh CubeMX project which has can bus. HAL_CAN_Init() returns HAL_TIMEOUT. What could be the possible solution ?/* CAN init function */static void MX_CAN_Init(void){ CAN_FilterConfTypeDef sFilterConfig; static CanTxMsgT...

SPI with STM32f429

Hi,I am using an STM32f429 Discovery board with CubeMX and HAL, and have some problems regarding SPI. I am using an DAC which takes data in 24 bit format, 8 control bits and 16 data. I can only select between 8 or 16 bit data, not both. If I try to s...

Matt G by Associate II
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CAN3 on NUCLEO-F767ZI is not working for me

Posted on July 10, 2018 at 18:30I'm using STM32CubeMX and Keil �Vision V5.25.2.0to program the NUCLEO-F767ZI board.MB1137 Rev BThe init sequence is:static void MX_CAN3_Init(void){  hcan3.Instance = CAN3;  hcan3.Init.Prescaler = 24;  hcan3.Init.Mode ...

B_12159 by Associate II
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