2018-10-29 11:47 AM
I have learned AVR with C language .
I have learned C++ language and a little C# .
Now i want to learn stm32 .
I have 2 questions .
1.What should i do ?
2.Should I read the reference manual first or the Hal driver?
2018-10-29 1:46 PM
HAL is transient, where as the reference manual is set in stone...
You decide on a project, and what you need as inputs and outputs and data storage(RAM)
I use the Cube to set pins on my new board
I use Kicad to do the PCB
I use Visual Studio with GDB to edit in C ($150)
sounds easy as pie...
A lot of engineers will not use the cube, and go for a traditional Register level setup,
It seems more difficult , there is a ton of hand writing to do, but hen the code is very light(small)
You have the world at you feet,
be nice..
no weapons on robots ok ?
2018-10-29 2:54 PM
Try to make the same application as you did on AVR :)
2018-10-29 3:41 PM
Which STM32? There's hundreds of variants at this point.
Get a DISCO or NUCLEO board.
Download and review the example projects and source provided in the Cube package trees. Start with the simpler examples, then move to the more complication ones, or the ones that interest you the most.
ie CubeF7 https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stm32cubef7.html
2018-10-30 12:34 AM
I invite you to review the STM32 Education program and follow the steps on https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/support/learning/stm32-education/stm32-step-by-step.html
Hope this helps you.
Kind Regards,
2018-11-01 8:09 AM