Hi , Guys I have been Trying to Play a wav file of 262kb from Flash using the BSP_AUDIO_PLAY function available in the STM32L476VG demo code. so when the prompt is playing there it is not playing continuously there is split in the sound , how to play...
ProxSense is implemented in STM8TL5 for capacitance touch, but it is not ARM core, Is there any STM32MCU with capacitance touch feature?
I tried to program STM32L431VCT6 using ST-LINK/v2-Isol. But i got ST-LINK USB Communication error. How to correct it?
Hi,I am using KIT B-L072Z-LRWAN1. I tried to send data to gateway, but i only send 11 bytes, if i send more than 11 bytes, my gateway cannot receive. I used example project EndNode in STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.1.2 library.
Are there command line switches to the GUI version of STSW-LINK004?I would like to say something like:ST_Link -c SWD -Automatic -P Mycode.hex -OB RDP=1I do it from the command line now, but the "wait for new target" is handy...
I am trying to get I2C on the STM32F411 to work with an audio codec. For now I am just trying a simple loopback but I am already running into trouble. I am using the standard lib and my code always hangs after sending the 7bit address. I checked ever...
Does the 28pin STM32F042 still support DFU over USB even though the USB pins PA12 and PA11 have to be remapped to PA9 and PA10? I want to use DFU to program my part at factory so it will be blank.
Hello, I am having trouble into using Black-magic-probe with my stm32f103c8. First of all I tried this tutorial : https://medium.com/@paramaggarwal/converting-an-stm32f103-board-to-a-black-magic-probe-c013cf2cc38c to create my own black-magic-probe, ...
I'm finding the documentation to be lacking.How does PA0 interact with CK_IN? Am I supposed to set PA0 as an Analogue Input?How is CK_IN connected to OSC_IN?How am I supposed to use this? HSE_BYPASS ?The "clock detector" in the Clock tree of the data...