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Forum Posts

BOOT0 behavior

Hello!i would like to understand what happens to BOOT0 during the run of regular program (not bootloader).What will happen if i set it to '1' or reset it to '0' during the run?​

YuriCh by Associate II
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stm32f469 PWN not output NState ?

My project needs to output PWM NState, My code is as follows, but no PWM signal output has been detected by the oscilloscope measurement. How can I solve this problem? #define MOTOR_DE_RCC_PERIPH RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOC #define MOTOR_DE_PORT...

ac.2 by Associate II
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Cant Start CubeProgrammer 1.3

After installing CubeProgrammer 1.3 on Windows 10 I can't start the programmer. Splashscreen is shown for a half second and thats it. The programm will not be started.There is no eventlog entry and no running task. CubeMX 5.0.0 is running fine. CubeP...

KLamb.4 by Associate
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