BOOT0 behavior
Hello!i would like to understand what happens to BOOT0 during the run of regular program (not bootloader).What will happen if i set it to '1' or reset it to '0' during the run?
Hello!i would like to understand what happens to BOOT0 during the run of regular program (not bootloader).What will happen if i set it to '1' or reset it to '0' during the run?
Hello all, I am using standard peripheral library for STM32F429. Is there a tool (excel file) for configuring the clocks?Thanks in advance,Ajish
My project needs to output PWM NState, My code is as follows, but no PWM signal output has been detected by the oscilloscope measurement. How can I solve this problem? #define MOTOR_DE_RCC_PERIPH RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOC #define MOTOR_DE_PORT...
Hello, how can I detect encoder overflow on STM32F767? I want to increment a variable every time the encoder overflows. Thank you, Vaclav
hello, I'm trying to interface the temperature and humidity sensor (HTU21D RH/T) which is based on the I2C interface. As referring to the given datasheet of the following sensor ( ), in order ...
I'm using Mbed online compiler to program the micro-controller, i have i2c library in mbed compiler, and also have 24C08 External EEPROM IC, if required.
When connecting the 32L152C-Discovery board, it looks like STLink Dongle. How do I change the STLink Dongle to COM PORT?
Hey! i just jumped from AVR8bit MCU's to STM32 and obviously i'm having issues with just about everything when it comes to design PCB, i try to keep it short.Boot0 and Boot1 pins should be jumpered to give me access to bootloader right?(regardless if...
After installing CubeProgrammer 1.3 on Windows 10 I can't start the programmer. Splashscreen is shown for a half second and thats it. The programm will not be started.There is no eventlog entry and no running task. CubeMX 5.0.0 is running fine. CubeP...