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Forum Posts

Speed limit in the DCMI and the FMC in STM32H7

The DCMI controller in STM32H7 is faster than F4 and F7. It supports a pixel clock up to 80Mhz. However, is the FMC controller fast enough to acquire such fast data? Let's say, one has an image sensor that generates 10-bits or 12-bits data with 74.25...

M. Jeong by Associate II
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Problem: Not generating files

Posted on January 28, 2016 at 20:57The STM32Cube does not generate some .c and .h files for my code.I'm using MDK-ARM V5 toolchain for my project.Whenever I try to create another project the missing files change in random fashion, sometimes its mxco...

joao23 by Associate II
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recommendation on OS/IDE

Hi all - I'm beginning a project that will utilize the STM32L496ZGT6. It's been several years since I've worked in the STM world, so my knowledge of available software is quite dated. I'd like to hear any feedback on the following:I want to use an OS...

mzimmers by Associate II
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Why my STM32 doesn't start to run ?

After upload my program into a stm32F103C8T6, the program doesn't start. I just use STM32CUBE-MX to configure my mcu, and I just add some blinking on 5 output (push/pull). But after reset my output seems to stay in high inpedance ? Does Mcu start its...

fDNTI by Associate II
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L4 Low Power consumption

Hi everyone,I'm trying to use the Low Power Modes of STM32 L4.For this scope I'm using NUCLEO-L476RG and CubeMX for generating HAL.The problem is that the value of consumption that I measure are different from what I can read from datasheet (I have w...

ontares by Associate
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Resolved! STM32_Crypto on STM32L431

Hello, I am trying to use "STM32CubeExpansion_Crypto_V3.1.0" library for generating HMAC_SHA1 on STM32L431 processor. We are using FreeRTOS.Issue description: When we make a function call to the HMAC_SHA1 functions contained in the above library, i...

skuma.21 by Associate II
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how to get the right 1us period

Hi everyone,Please how can i get the right period 1us without using DWT unit,I want to synchronize with sensor that requires a high precision of clock.Thanks in advance,Regards

mmed by Associate III
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