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Forum Posts

Issue with using internal opamp on the STM32L4

Hi I have been reading an ST presentation regarding using the internal opamp on a STM32L433. Am I reading it correctly, this saves in having to use an external opamp? I want to use it for as a follower for the analogue input. I am not sure I am read...

can we run multiple applications same time on stm32

Hi, I want to run DSP lowpass filter and also run other applications like voice over ble and touch screen interrupts at the same time. running one after the other is not efficient.Is there a way to run these applications in parallel on a stm32 proces...

VPotl by Associate II
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Error "OpenOCD child process termination" happens

environment: Nucleo-G071RB, sw4stm32when I click "Run", the following dialog shows up-------------------Error "OpenOCD child process termination" happensReason: wrong device detected, check the board connected.-------------------console is here------...

YFuku.3 by Associate III
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Resolved! with stm32l010 which IDE supported

I want try the new stm32l0 series, stm32l010k8t6, but when I used stm32cube to generate MDK project, the MDK seems not support stm32l010 already. So I looked to TrueStudio and IAR, unfortunately they don't support stm32l010...So, I want to know, does...

EJing by Associate
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Messing up inked directories

I've been using Atollic TrueSTUDIO® for STM32, and I wonder why does it mess up the linked directories every now and then?Can something be done about it?It adds "25"s in the path, like:$%25257BPARENT-2-PROJECT_LOC%25257D/cmnThat doesn't work, but :$%...