2019-03-26 7:40 AM
I'm trying to implement a DataBase connection with STM32F779NIHx.
I included the sqlite sources but received an error because the ioctl.h file is not present within the STM32F7XX HAL Driver. Where can I retrieve it?
2019-03-26 8:43 AM
SQLite doesn't know about your underlying storage layer. You'll have to port SQLite's VFS (virtual file system) interface to your microcontroller.
https://sqlite.org/c3ref/vfs.html - about VFS
https://sqlite.org/custombuild.html - about custom builds, also about porting requirements
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I have to say that I'm not sure if STM32F7 can cope with SQLite. I don't know the library's minimum RAM/Flash requirements, but judging from poor search results with "sqlite stm32" or "sqlite freertos" keywords I am not too optimistic.
2019-03-26 9:14 AM
Thanks for your answer.
Second your opinion, is it possible upload a database on the STM32 on board SD card and communicate with it?
2019-03-26 4:32 PM
Definitely possible but might be slow. I suspect you'd be better off with an ARM A series device where all of the work will have been done before by someone.