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Forum Posts

Problems with BDMA (from memory to peripheral)

I need to do a project where I use the BDMA to transfer arrays from memory to the GPIO. The idea is to send the information in 8 bit parallel at 12.5MHz.I started with the DMA example from the STM32 (called DMAMUX_RequestGen) to try to understand how...

0690X0000088TNRQA2.png 0690X0000088TKcQAM.png 0690X0000088TLLQA2.jpg 0690X0000088TLpQAM.png
JGon? by Associate
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Resolved! Doubts about AN4013 and timer gated mode

Hello,an4013 Rev. 6 on page 21 writes:"The Counter Enable signal is generated by a logic OR between CEN control bit and the trigger input when configured in gated mode."while e.g. RM0351 writes:"Enable the counter by writing CEN=1 in the TIMx_CR1 reg...

WWDG Reset

I configured the WWDG using cubeMX and the init looks as follow: hwwdg.Instance = WWDG; hwwdg.Init.Prescaler = WWDG_PRESCALER_8; hwwdg.Init.Window = 127; hwwdg.Init.Counter = 127; hwwdg.Init.EWIMode = WWDG_EWI_ENABLE; if (HAL_WWDG_Init(&hw...

raffin by Associate III
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How to setup I2C

I am trying to connect the VL53L1X distance sensor to a B-L072z-lrwan dicoboard so it can send data using the lorawan stack .This is my first project using a hal and i cant get the I2C connection working.The output to my serial monitor is: 536872016...

TVoge by Associate II
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where can I download ?

I read from "UM1727 User manual" The STM32 Nucleo examples, applications and demonstration are provided in one single .zip file. The extraction of the .zip file generates one folder, STM32 Nucleo_FW_VX.Y.Z, which contains the following subfolders. I...

szhiy.14 by Associate
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IDLE btween messages in USART

Hello,I want to seperate my TX messages with an IDLE frame (all 1) in order to be able the sync to it​ on the RX side by getting an IDLE interrupt.Is there an elegant way using the USART regs to verify that I send at least one IDLE before staring my ...

Yood by Associate II
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Using 2 UART on STM32?

Dear Members,I want to read a result from my GPS,it's Neo 6MI initialized 2 UARTs UART 1 for PC and UART 2 for GPS,I got this result :INIT CODE GPS NEO - 6M....                           From GPS : Is it receiving properly ?The code : char in[8];pr...


Resolved! STM32F4 USB CDC problem

Posted on June 08, 2018 at 11:07Hello everyone!I`m trying to get CDC VCP working on STM2F407VET6 chip. I`ve created a project in STM32CubeMX (the latest version available), where I`ve set up clocks, enabled USB_FS_Device and USB CDC middleware. All ...