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Forum Posts

Running code in RAM on STM32H7

Hi,I have to to run my code in RAM on STM32H7 and debug it.I put my code in RAM_D1 (start address = 0x24000004) changing the linker file in this way: /* The program code and other data goes into FLASH */ _sl_my_Code = LOADADDR(.my_Code); /* pnt to th...

ADion by Associate
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Nucleo F303RE USB Serial Comm HAL example code?

Hello,I suspect there's example code for reading and writing serial data through the USB comm port (ST-link cable) on the Nucleo boards using the HAL libraries. Can anyone point me to one? I've seen the printf() example which is half way there. Th...

How to get started with bluetooth?

Hi, I've had an STM32F411 development board for sometime and have done hobby projects with practically every peripheral on the board (audio output, mic, accelerometer, gyroscope, etc) programming both with and without the HAL. I'm now interested in ...

Resolved! Do RAM may have old data after energized

Hi everyone ,We are using our custom bootloader firmware to update our main firmware.To do that we set a flag at a specific location at RAM and reset the MCU.The flag size is 1 byte.At the bootloader firmware read the data from RAM and if this data m...

Resolved! spi clock configuration

Hello, I am using nucleo stm32f429zi. I want to add MCP3304 SPI with my controller. It works properly, but my spi clock is 1.325MHz, which means my channel sample rate will be 1.325MHz/21=63095Hz (sample rate for 4 differential channels). so each ch...

yang hong by Associate III
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