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two kinds of deadtime config

Jerry Yung
Associate III


yes , above fig about two kinds of config deadtime ,I don't know how to get that waveform

I have readed RM about deadtime chapter,but I still not clear


You can achieve waveform 1 if you invert OCx, i.e. set the respective TIMx_CCER.CCxP .

Conversely, you achieve waveform 2 if you invert OCxN, i.e. set TIMx_CCER.CCxNP. You may also want to "invert" OCxRef, i.e. use the other PWM mode than used in the first case.

Try and see for yourself.


hello , i have some question

I config TIM with " TIM_OCMODE_ACTIVE ", it means when CNT match CCRx, OCxREF is high level. is rise edge ,

  1. disable pro-load feature, when CNT == ARR , next CNT = 0, then corresponding OCxREF high or low ?
  2. when CNT match CCRx, later, if I disable the TIM, OCxREF will keep it's level ? or
  3. and there no way to pull OCxREF level down except for config with " TIM_OCMODE_FORCED_INACTIVE " and " TIM_OCMODE_INACTIVE “ ?
  4. MCU power on default OCxREF high or low ?
  5. for example , I config tim active mode , when ,CNT match ARR ( red arrow point ), I config tim inactive mode , the OCxREF waveform behave like below fig ?


I refuse to use Cube or other libraries symbols. Please stick to the terminology used in the Reference Manual.

  1. 2. The Set active on match (OCxM=0b001) mode of output compare sets OCxRef high at the first match (CNT==CCRx) and lefts it so forever, regardless of whether an overflow (CNT==ARR --> 0) or next match occurs.

3. yes; the Force inactive (OCxM=0b100) does that immediately, while Inactive on match (OCxM=0b010) does that later, upon the first match.

4 . good question. I don't know, presumably low.

5 . Sounds so. Try.