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Forum Posts

Program gets vanished after reboot or reset

I am using custom board with STM32F779BI. Its works fine while debugging using ST-LINK V2, But after reset or reboot program gets vanished. Didnt work after reset. Is there problem with debug configuration? or something else?

Hello All, I am new to this community as well as STM32F407 Discovery board . I am trying to write a program to turn ON LED without using any library. I wrote the below code, But I am not able to compile it .

  #define RCC_AHB1ENR (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x40023830)#define GPIOD_MODER (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x40020C00)#define GPIOD_OTYPER (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x40020C04)#define GPIOD_OSPEEDR (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x40020C08)#define G...

JSuda by Associate II
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Mass Erase before every FSTPG? (STM32L4SVIT)

Using:STM32L4SVITDBANK=1The reference manual seems to state that a Mass Erase must be performed before every FSTPG. However the requirement is not clear. Assuming it is correct that a Mass Erase is required to use FSTPG: 1.Is there a time window ...

JFieb by Associate II
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How to detect last used address in flash?

Hi,I would like to detect last used address in flash to be able to backup the firmware from internal flash memory to external from my bootloader. I know the start address where from start copying data, but don't know the end. I was unable to found a ...

Resolved! Why SDIO needs about 3ms on transferring only 512Bytes

Hello, ST experts​STM32F415RGT6 is used on custom board. Everything looks fine except that SDIO opertions. f_write function is called at an interval about 500ms to write 512Bytes to SD card. SDIO_CLK is 24MHz, 4bit bus wide. I really don't know why t...


Hello, I am new to the embedded community and was facing a problem figuring out the pwm resolution of the STM32F030F4P6TR microcontroller. I went throught the datasheet and the user manual but did not find any solution to my problem.Thanks,Apurv.

AMara by Associate II
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