2019-10-22 3:56 PM
2019-10-22 5:46 PM
Not sure what you system is doing, I might mask on values
#include <stdint.h>
int main(void)
//enable clock for GPIO C
uint32_t* RCC_APB2ENR = (uint32_t*)0x40021018; //APB2 peripheral clock enable register
*RCC_APB2ENR |= 1<<4; //bit number 4 enables clock for gpio C
uint32_t* GPIOC_CRH = (uint32_t *)0x40011004; //Port C configuration register high
*GPIOC_CRH = (*GPIOC_CRH & ~(0xF << 20)) |
0<<23 | 0<<22 | 1<<21 | 1<<20; //Set Port C I/O 13 to output push pull @ 2Mhz
uint32_t* GPIOC_ODR = (uint32_t*)0x4001100C; //Port C output data register
*GPIOC_ODR |= 1<<13; //Set bit 13
2019-10-22 7:49 PM
I figured it out. It was user error. Nothing to do with the debugger.