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Resolved! STM32F207 was HangUp, at the GPIO Initial.

Hi.yesterday, my stm32 board run was, I add to code​(printf...). but my board is hangup.I was check memory over. but, i use    177 901 bytes of readonly code memory    54 396 bytes of readonly data memory    87 330 bytes of...

SYun by Associate
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Resolved! How do I go from an integer value to a q31_t? Do I need to normalize the in32_t to a value between -1 and 1 and then pass to arm_pid_q31 to complete the calculation?

I am using the arm pid library and I do not know how to use the arm_pid_q31 call. I need to give it an error as a q31_t, however, I am not entirely sure how to go from an int32_t to a q31_t. Do I need to normalize the in32_t to a value between -1 and...

AIsma by Associate II
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How to use same pin as gpio input and syswkup pin ?

I am using STM32L0Configured PA.0 as syswkup pin in cubemxBut i want to use it as gpio input for a push button while running the microcontroller and send it to standby mode.And while in sleep ,want to use same button to wakeit upIs it possible ?How t...

SA.17 by Associate III
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Invoking added performance using dual core

I have been driving CCD/CMOS linear arrays using PIC24s and have exceeded this processors 64mHz capability so i am seeking something much faster. I see that the STM32H7 MCU has a 480mHz clock and thought I would give it a try. It is a little uncl...

STM32H753 clock setting

Hi friends.I work with this chip STM32H753, but I set wrong clock. void SystemClock_Config(void) { uint32_t i;   // Enable HSE LL_RCC_HSE_Enable(); // Wait till HSE is ready while ((LL_RCC_HSE_IsReady()) == 0) ; //PLL1 - external quartz LL_R...


Sampling rate L011 too slow

Hi there.I am trying to measure progress of signal with STM32L011F4. I start measuring on three ADC channels (two inputs and reference), 30 samples on each of them by one DMA request. Frequency for ADC is set to 16Mhz (Max), ADC clock prescaler set ...

JSkod by Associate
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