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Hi,I see there are different states for SPI transfer/Receive.There are 4 different status when we use HAL_SPI_Transmit_Receive_DMA()What is the next step if we receive the status as HAL_BUSY, HAL_ERROR, HAL_TIMEOUT.Can you please help me to get some ...
I would like to call C++ function from C file. How to do that.I have C++ function call Cpp_func() in test.cpp file. In test.h file, I declare as extern "C" Cpp_func(void); This gives me error that expected identifier.
What is the function to send USB ACK handshake to send to IN Endpoint in ST USB Library?
I tried debugging STM32 chip using ULinkPlus debugger. When I try to debug for the first time, no issues. For the next time, If theDebug configuration is "Erase sectors", When I try to debug STM32 chip with UlinkPlus Debugger, it throws hard fault e...
Hi,I'm trying to configure SDMMC module using DMA since I'm using FREERTOS. But in STM32CUBEMX, there is no option to configure DMA settings under FATfs.So, I'm trying to setup the DMA configuration through code. I can see that there is no definition...