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STM32F030C8 not entering Read Memory Level 1

STM32F030C8 - I'm not using any of the ST libraries.I'm attempting to secure the mcu.I unlock flash and unlock the option write - verified.I am using a J-Link debugger to verify the process.Option byte before process == 0xaa55 - or level 0 accessI er...

Joe.H by Senior
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Resolved! Does the HRTIM support a DMA-based input capture (IC) mode?

I would like capture the CNT register and transfer it to a circular buffer on every rising/falling edge on 10 different signal lines. Is this possible and is there a reference which describes how to do this?This is on the STM32H7 series.I have read ...

TDK by Guru
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Resolved! STM32L4R5ZI using OCTO-SPI without flash memory?

Hi,I'm using a STM32L4R5ZI and i want to use OCTO-SPI with my own hardware. My question is, can i use the OCTO-SPI without a external flash memory to communicate from the MCU to the PC ? Up to now i tried the provided OCTO-SPI example provided by STM...

what is the source of clock for CANBUS

Hi,what is the clock source for CANBUS in STM32F767?I have referred the manual ,but still i cannot get the clear answer from it.the main reason to know the clock source is to calculate the bit timing .ThanksVimal

VPras by Associate II
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stm32f103rbt6 i2c1 remap not working

i am using stm32f103rb i think i have found a bug i am trying to use i2c1 on pin port b 8 and 9 for that you have to remap i2c1 in afio mapr register i have done that but in debug session i note that the bit never get set i have attached code and deb...

Iyar.388 by Associate
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