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I need to share some code to third party in static library form such that my source code won't be accessible to them.I was able to create a static library project using STM32CubeIDE's New project > Static library option.The project compiled successfu...
I'm using STM32F108RG on 48MHz clock configuration.I need to generate a 1 micrososeconds timer tick on it, for driving an output pin interfaced with a 3rd party device. Using PWM is not an option available.I tried configuring TIM3 with following para...
I found from ref manual that the internal clock source for TIM1 is APB2 pre-scaled value.(Please see attached image).From CubeMx, I've configured my main clock frequency to be 48MHz, which is a PLL multiplied value from external crystal oscillator of...
I've developed a safety critical application over STM32F103RG microcontroller.I want to add a fail-safe mechanism to it by making sure that all unused memory locations are either carrying opcode to RESET (like available in PICmicros) or any specific ...
I've produced a .hex file of my program which I want to flash on the target device using Segger J-Flash utility and J-Link Plus device. I'm aware that CubeProgrammer could be a better option, but the people who're going to use the .hex file have acce...