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Forum Posts

coocox os RTOS with stm32l0

I want to use coocox os with an stm32l083cz . while i am compiling the code the following error appears. /tmp/ccpwcyyg.s: Assembler messages:/tmp/ccpwcyyg.s:242: Error: selected processor does not support `stmdb R0!,{R4-R11}' in Thumb mode/tmp/ccpwc...

Resolved! Measuring exact time between to pulses

Hi all,To be hontest, I am a beginner when it comes to timer and capture hardware. Maybe someone can help me figuring out what the best way is how I can measure the time between two separate impules i get on two separate lines. Accuracy shall be very...

Microman by Associate III
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RTC wake up

Implementation on: STM32L476RCI can configure a periodic sleep cycle by waking up through the RTC through calling HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer_IT.I'm now trying to handle an EXT interrupt while in this periodic sleep cycle.The goal is to handle the EXT i...

Aa.41 by Associate II
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rtc year

rtc year is uint8_t, does anybody know how to identify year less than 2000 or more than 2000?Regards,

stm32L4: wakeup pin polarity confusing.

Hello. I try to calculate some pulses by wakeups from shutdown mode. I have 2 pins which areWKUP1, WKUP4. They are configured to wake up by rising edge. But sometimes when only 1 of them is rising, I receive 2 notifications, from both pins.The proble...

VD1 by Associate
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DBGMCU HRTIM_STOP does not disable PWM outputs?

I'm working on a project for a battery charger and for safety purposes I want the complementary outputs of the HRTIM to be disabled when the core is halted. On the STM32F334, setting the HRTIM_STOP bit in the DBGMCU register resulted in both the HRTI...

LDoes by Associate II
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