2020-02-10 4:51 AM
I need to provide PWM signals for 36 and 34 Outputs. Both the cases have been described under. Kindly note that all the outputs are independently operated.
I need to know if STM32G474 can address to the job?
These are the list of 6 PWN signals of 12 V that are in use.
1) 100% i.e 12V equivalent
2) 75% i.e 9V equivalent
3) 50% i.e 6V equivalent
4) 41.66% i.e 5V equivalent
5) 33.3% i.e 4V equivalent
6) 25V% i.e 3V equivalent
There are 36 Outputs.
1) 1 output (fan motor) would only receive 3V to 5V equivalent PWN signa, which ever is called for
2) 1 Output (fan motor) would only receive 6V to 12V equivalent PWN signal, which ever is called for
3) 34 Outputs (solenoid valves) receive 100% or 33.3% PWM independently. First 100% for 100ms to turn on then 33.3% to remain ON.
I can even work with 2 PWM signals
1) 100%
2) 33.3%
This will be used for 34 outputs (solenoid Valves). Outputs receive 100% or 33.3% PWM independently. First 100% for 100ms to turn on then 33.3% to remain ON.
Are any of the cases possible using the mentioned MCU?
2020-02-10 5:29 AM
As I've written in my previous answer, any STM32 MCU can do it with 3 DMA channels outputting to GPIO (or 2 DMA channels and a single 4 channel timer).