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Forum Posts

STM32F4: LL example/library for I2C

Does anyone know of a working I2C LL library or example? I can find old examples using Std Peripheral libraries (and I know I can try using the SPL_to_LL utility), and recent HAL examples, but nothing based on LL, which is my preferred way to use the...

fbar by Senior
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STM32 SRAM HW parity - a meaningful product feature?

Hardware parity generation and check mechanism can be found in the datasheet of several STM32 controllers (e.g. STM32F0/3x/L4x, etc.).I have here a few questions/concerns related to this feature and would be grateful if these could be addressed:1) Us...

Zike84 by Associate II
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stm32h750 emwin in Internal RAM

I am working on STM32H750 microcontroller. I want to use 480X272 RGB LCD without external RAM. So i was trying emwin example code but that uses external SDRAM for lcd data storage. I changed data storage location from external RAM to Internal RAM but...

VAgga by Associate II
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CAN bus on STM32F103RB

Hello, I want to read all message coming from sensor using CAN bus. My configuration seems not okay because the CAN RX interrupt is not trigger. I made the code with CubeMX and below are my files:Main.c#include "main.h"   /* Private includes --------...

NVan.966 by Associate
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Hi I am Using STM 32f407 discovery board. and i coded for the I2C communication some bugs are in the interrupt mode. for receiving one byte

Hi I am Using STM 32f407 discovery board. and i coded for the I2C communication for both blocking and Interrupt API when i using the repeated start condition for receiving one bit in the interrupt condition some bugs are there in the code i don 't kn...

Why I could not receive the data properly in the UART ??

Hi Team, I am using stm32L0 & stm32h7 controller in my design. we can try to communicate from stm32l0(tx) to stm32h7(rx) using UART. stm32h7 While receiving that data was not correct. STML0 was UART Polling mode of transmission. In stm32H7 was Interr...

Vel by Associate III
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