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Forum Posts

multiprocessor mode using USART in STM32F303VC

hi stm,i am using stm32f303e-eval board and i want to use usart in multiprocessor communication mode, but i am unable to find the sample code for that. my usart is commected with RS-485please provide some information so that i can implement.thanks,ro...

External interrrupt after after STOP 2 mode

HI Community,I am working on low power modes on STM32L4 IoT node. The stop 2 mode works fine, it wake up after the wake up interruot is triggered. I have issues after the device has woke upAfter waking up i.e extiting from stop 2 mode i dont see any ...

Option bytes in firmware

Hello,Device: STM32L443CCUI am trying set option bytes values in firmware as a ROM constants. The idea is firmware will have option bytes embedded, and when firmware hex will be flashed, it will also flash new option bytes.So I did following implemen...

STM32 stack and heap

Hello I want to understand allocating stack and heap size, I am using stm32f767zi with 512Kbyte RAM memory (0x80000 bytes) so what I understand is this memory should be split between only the stack and heap (if there is something else please tell me)...

STM32F37x/STM32F0x I2C Timing Configuration Tool

Posted on April 29, 2013 at 18:43Hello everyone, I'm writing to ask if anyone could provide a valid link to the STM32F37x/STM32F0x I2C Timing Configuration Tool which application note AN4235 refers to.  I've looked everywhere I know of on the site a...

gregg by Associate II
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