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Forum Posts

Use DMA with SPI acting as a (simple) shift register?

I've (sort of) found out a way to store GPIO states in memory with DMA (parallel data input from a 74HC595 shift register, because the STM32F103Cx doesn't have 4 SPI peripherals) and I want to output that same data via SPI in a similar manner, except...

JShel.1 by Associate II
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What commands should I send through the Serial COM port to a Nucleo-F401RE board via a Python Script and Command Prompt to replicate the Connect and Start options in Unicleo-GUI?

Hello All,I am using a NUCLEO-F401RE Board and a IKS01A2 Sensor Board with it. I want to collect the incoming data dynamically and modify it. By using Unicleo-GUI and just clicking Connect and Start I am able to observe the collected data. I want t...

engtec by Associate
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Timer: No complementary output in one pulse mode?

Does one pulse mode offer the complementary output? My complementary output just sits there. I'm on TIM17 and I'm not sure if being on the 'lite' timer is the problem. I suppose I'll try moving it over to TIM2 and see if the problem persists althou...

n2wx by Senior
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H745 memory regions, attributes & cache

In the h745 reference manual, the RAM region of memory is write-back while the code region is write-through. According an app note, cache coherency issues can be avoided by using a write-through ram region. In the h7 the sram sections are aliased in ...

RMcCa by Senior II
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I2C on bluepill STM32F103C8T6

configured in cube MX. PB6 / PB7 in I2C at 50Ki added 4,6K pullup at 3,3Vi try to connect ADS1115 (work's in other board)the driver HAL return scope,no have edge down.wait flag reset...have you an idea?thanks

kick by Associate II
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