where can I get STM32L431 QUADSPI memory controller reference design
All do I need is how to initialize, erase, read and write (block and single data) the QUADSPI memory for STM32CubeIDE platform.Thanks in advance
All do I need is how to initialize, erase, read and write (block and single data) the QUADSPI memory for STM32CubeIDE platform.Thanks in advance
Hellow!I recently used STM32H755zit6 for a project, I can download the M7 code, but download the M4 code, the error will be "cannot load flash programming algorithm ! " , who can tell me what is going on? Thank you!
I have a boot problem with the STM32F0407VGT6 (uVision V5.14.0.0.). I designed a custom board and sadly forgot to connect the Boot0 (floating) to GND. Because of that, I can program the MCU, but the controller don’t starts my program by default until...
Is the STM32L451CCU6 a Boundary scan device. I have found other STM32L451 processors BSDL files but cannot find one for this model.
When I used Encoder Mode on TIM2, I have set the motor to runs in one direction, so data in the CNT register must be increase. but it seems to be decreased in sometimes.So anyone can explain to me about it?I'm using encoder mode TI1&TI2, Counter Mode...
I have written a code for STM32 L476RG for converting potentiometer analog output to digital output using ADC1. I am unable to understand SQR register use what should i pass to enable channel 6 of ADC1 in SQR register.Below are code and datasheet inf...
I have a STM32H7 Discovery kit with default setup exported, but the code stops in SystemClock_Config(). Debugger stops here: MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_SW, RCC_ClkInitStruct->SYSCLKSource) (in stm32h7xx_hal_rcc.c). Any ideas what might be a probl...
Hi ,I try to put IAP Driver in my projects. But, I have a problem with this driver. Let me inform you what I have done and what I have. I use STM32CubeIDE with STM32L071 Controller. I search the IAP Driver. Found one. Download the driver. Put the dri...
Hi everyone,There is a section in Flash that I don't want to be written or erased, and I applied write protection for this section. The size of this partition is 10kB. So I set the WRP values to WRP1A_STRT = 0 and WRP1A_END = 4. Write protection work...
Environmentboard: NUCLEO-L476RGSTM32CubeMX v5.6.0IDE: SW4STM32I'm attempting to generate PWM signals with DMA in normal mode, but doesn't work. I'm stack in this issue for a week. I'm very happy if you give me any advice. Thank you in advance.other i...