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Forum Posts

SPI communication between Slave and Master

This is my first post on this QnA section and i hope i would be getting help from the community. What i want to implement is a simple communication between 2 STM32 (both are F1 series in this case) using a SPI. Both the MCU are configured using CubeM...

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Resolved! Strange ST factory calibration on STM32f042k6 (ADC)

Hello,I'm trying to use temperature sensor and the internal voltage reference (VREFINT) of the STM32f042k6.Here is the extract form the datasheet (page 19/117) :When I measure these values, I don't have the same values than ST.For example, let's watc...


Better learning resources for Bluenrg-2?

Hey, folks.How are you people learning how to use the capabilities of your MCUs? In particular, I am trying to program a Bluenrg-2 board for a temperature control application. I would like to get better information on using the Multi-Function Timer...

BBeau by Associate
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AES-CBC(128 bit) Encryption for STM32H750VB IC

I am using STM32h750VB for a Project. I need to use AES -CBC Mode of Encryption.I have downloaded the cube-cryptolib and when I searched for the crypto code of my IC, I found that the AES CBC code is available for STM32H743ZI-Nucleo..Can i use the sa...

What's the bXCAN RXD recessive signal on STM32L476?

I'm reading RM0351 for STM32L476, "To be synchronized the hardware has to monitor a sequence of 11 consecutive recessive bits on the CAN RX signal." Is RX recessive bit a digital high or low signal? I couldn't find the info on the datasheet which onl...

ANguy.1 by Associate II
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