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STM32G474 ADC Master-Slave

I am slightly confused with the ADC Master - Slave configuration. Maybe someone can shed a bit of light in here.Using a STM32G474RET (LQFP64), thinking of chaining ADC1 and 2 in a master/slave configuration. Looking at the attached schematic, PB1 and...

Resolved! STM32F446 synced timers with phase shift

Hello,I'm using a Nucleo F446ZE to test timer capabilities to make a peak-and-hold PWM driver. I already have the core functionality where TIM1 uses DMA to run through a buffer of variable duty cycles at a higher frequency (e.g. 5 kHz) for the high-s...


Resolved! STM32L053DISCO - How to enable 3V_O or 5V_O

In the document UM1775 there is stated the following:"5 V and 3 V can be used as output power supplies when an extension board isconnected to pins P2 and P3....In this case, the 5V_O and 3V_O pins deliver a 5 V or 3.3 V power supply and thepower cons...

Thomas L. by Associate III
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Invalid voltage level on STM32H743 at reset

I'm using several Nucleo-H743ZI boards. At reset (reset handler) the bit ACTVOSRDY in PWR_CSR1 is 1 on one board and 0 on the other. 0 means "voltage level invalid, above or below current VOS". The current VOS is of course the default one at reset, i...

Gpeti by Senior II
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