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Resolved! STM32G474RE PC13 GPIO configuration

Hi All,I have been trying to configure PC13 on the STM32G474 as a regular GPIO, but havent been successful yet.Can someone suggest what could be done ?Thanks,Manuint main(void) { LL_GPIO_InitTypeDef gpio = {0};   LL_APB2_GRP1_EnableClock(LL_APB2_GR...

Connecting 2x STM32 MCUs using UART

Hello guys good day. I am trying to learn how to interface 2 STM32F103C8 MCUs using UART. Basically I would like to connect a push button to MCU-A then when this push button is pressed, the LED controlled by MCU-B will be activated. I am trying t...

RSy.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! F730 flash PSIZE vs. Supply voltage

I am a bit confused by the language in the F7 reference manual, section 3.3.5 (RM0431) that describes the flash program/erase parallelism. Does the power supply limit the maximum value of the parallelism or does it limit one to a particular size?The ...

RMcCa by Senior II
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STM32F730Z8T6 and the best way for flash programming

So, I'm looking to buy STM32F730Z8T6 MCU and wondering what is the cheapest way to program and debug it. Can I do it using development board? I found a board with a similar MCU (STM32F730I8) and I was wondering if that would work (it has a debug port...

Slina by Associate III
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Fast programming for STM32L496 not working

I wanted to use the flash fast programming, but it does not work. If I use the normal flash programming it is working as indended.The procedure is that I unlock the flash, erase a 2KB page and then want to fast program that page with this code: ...

Resolved! "Supertype" of uint8_t * and __IO uint8_t *?

This questions is mildly naive, but is there a way to define a function f() so that one parameter p accepts both uint8_t * and __IO uint8_t * arguments, i.e., function f() writes either to internal SRAM or external SDRAM depending on the pointer pass...

Undefined HAL symbols, in Keil

I have existing working code which uses uart and some GPIO functions. Its main.h has,#include "ll_common.h", #include "stm32h7xx_ll_gpio.h", #include "stm32h7xx_ll_usart.h"and few more ll headers.Now I need to add I2C functionality to the code. I go ...

sarojj7 by Associate III
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