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Forum Posts

Resolved! GPIO pin does not stay high

Hi everyone,I am trying to use CubeMX and the HAL library to get two STM32F411E discovery boards to communicate with each other via SPI. In a first step I am simply trying to configure the master correctly. I want to drive the NSS pin of the slave wi...

BKölz.1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32L43KC: Changing Clock Frequency?

Hey guys, just having the hardest of times changing clock frequency to 80MHz for the system clock and 43MHz for the ADC clock. Every time I try it seems the writing function to registers gets disabled such as RCC->AHB2ENR trying to enable GPIOA and A...

CLeo.1 by Senior II
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Resolved! WFE examples required for stm32 family?

Hello ,I would like to get some examples for WFE based sleep . In stm32cube examples, i see that most of them are like WFI based examples. Request someone to help me with this information. Thanks in advance.Regards,Vinoth

STM32H745 DMA Mem-to-Mem inter-core data transfer

I would like to perform DMA based memory to memory transfer between cores with interrupt generation on Transfer Complete. To start of with the project i used Demo code (STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.7.0 -> Projects -> NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q-> Demonstrations) added mem...

Madhan by Associate II
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License talk

​After playing around with CubeMX for a while and looking at the generated code and at the SLA0044 Ultimate Liberty Lisence where ofcourse the question comes to mind what ultimate liberty... really means while there is a license that comes with it......