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Forum Posts

STM32G4 ADC jitter from timer to conversion start.

Hi,What is the jitter value in nS when the ADC is configured for Asynchronous clock mode? consider CPU clock = 170MHZ, adc_hclk = 170MHZ, adc_ker_ck = 170/6 MHZ = 56.67MHZ and ADC clock = 56.67MHZ (PRESC = 0)ST inform in the manual that the jitter i...

Asantos by Senior
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I can't read chip ID with I2C

Hi, I am using bno055 with stm32f4 discovery board. I am trying to read chip ıd. HAL_IsDeviceReady function return HAL_OK but I can't read chip ID. Why is that? I tried to write my code or using library. Here is the code and stmstudio's return. (In c...

0693W000001t9JBQAY.png 0693W000001t9J6QAI.png 0693W000001t9IwQAI.png
MDoğr.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! wrong data receive with uart1 on stm32f103rct6

Nowadays. i debug the uart1 under linux with arm-none-eabi- cross compile.Now i meet a problem,i config uart with 115200 baudrate and 8 databotlen 1 stopbit none parity.use Hsi for SYSCLK APB1 and APB2 CLK BOTH 36MHz. I can receive data from the chip...