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stm3240g-eval eeprom(M24C64) issue.

HelloI test external eeprom (M24C64) on the STM3240G-EVAL. But it doesn't work well. HAL_I2C_Mem_WriteBytes() and HAL_I2C_Mem_ReadBytes() return the HAL_OK.But when I check the data[] buffer, the value is all "255".This mean that memory is empty? The...

dKim.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! why it does not enter the if statement?

I have a code made to check an if statement and then perform something. here is the if statementfor(int j=0;j<10;j++) { if(removed_Num==USERS[j]) { //do something} }USERS[j] is a 13 element array and removed_Num is also a 13 element array. I'v...

Ala by Senior
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STM32F7 UART Communication Using DMA

UART Communication Using DMA Not WorkingI have Nucleo-F767ZI Rev B board and using the STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.1.0.To test and implement UAR-DMA communication as presented in:STM32CubeMX basics: 10.11 STM32Cube HAL labs UART - UART DMA https://www.yo...

ASoos.1 by Associate
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Two UART DMA transmissions in a row.

Hello,I am currently working on a project which requires the use of the transmission / reception of a UART by DMA. I would like to make two transmissions in a row like the following.void send_all_registers() { HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA(&huart2, (unsigne...

Resolved! Changing SPI Prescaler Value on Nucleo-L476RG

Hi,I am pretty new to programming STM32 MCUs and I have been having a hard time finding out how to change the SPI prescaler value on my Nucleo-L476RG board. I am trying to implement FatFS using SPI via an online tutorial and their method of changing ...

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TNguy.18 by Associate II
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How to use RCC to reset a peripheral?

STM32G474RE: I need to reset the USART3 peripheral and I see the register RCC_APB1RSTR1.USART3RST. I assume this bit needs to be set, then cleared, after a delay. But there doesn't seem to be documentation. What is the correct procedure and how long ...