There are plenty of codes about VC0706 camera + Arduino. I tried the sample on Arduino and it worked pretty well. But I need to make this project with STM32. Any ideas how to implement and code VC0706 with STM32?
Posted on August 28, 2014 at 22:23I'm new to USB programming, and am having some trouble getting my head around the concepts involved. Hopefully someone can have a look at what I think I need to do to meet my goals and tell me where I'm right and w...
I have an STM32G4 using the HAL function HAL_I2C_Slave_Transmit to respond with some data when requested by a master on the I2C bus. In the image below you can see the device sends 0xFF followed by the actual data it was meant to send (the data I am ...
Hi everyone,I was just wondering if measuring VBat in continuous will drain the battery faster ? And how fast ?Unfortunately, I don't have tools that should be able to measure such a low current.I use the STM32F410CB in my project. I use the adc1 (th...
Hello, I am using LO31K6 for sensoring two ADC channels by DMAWhen I wish to get trustable voltage value, Do I have to apply Root Mean Square to these ADC value?for example, < Instead directly get ADC value from DMA buffer[n] and treat as it is true ...
Hi Team,How to transfer huge data through UART interface , is it any method or procedure to achieve. Brief description: Quectel module is been used, data of 80kb transported from AWS server to Quectel module.We need to identify the fastest and effici...
I have few doubts as follows:1. Each MEMORY MAPPED ADDRESS is how many bytes wide? 1 or 4 bytes (I think it as 1 byte).2. The ST datasheet for stm446xx says the SRAM is of 128Kb size then,start and end addresss is 0x20000000 to 0x2001FFFF but, bit ba...