FMC with dual core stm32h745
Hi, I want share FMC(interface SDRAM) core between CM4 and CM7 core on STM32H7.I config by cubeMx, CM7 can access ok but CM4 can not access.How to access FMC core by CM4 and CM7?Thanks,
Hi, I want share FMC(interface SDRAM) core between CM4 and CM7 core on STM32H7.I config by cubeMx, CM7 can access ok but CM4 can not access.How to access FMC core by CM4 and CM7?Thanks,
I cannot get a value of 0 in my dac output on my stm32f4 discovery card. The value I got is 42.5 mV for 0 input. how can i solve this.
Hi guys,I have a problem with the internal temperature ADC-channel. I am trying to read a few analog values with ADC1. The ones I read from pins are perfectly fine but when I change the input voltage on PC13 (channel 13) this changes the value read o...
Hey guys!I am trying to implement a difference equation into the STM32 MCU, however Iam getting this from the output of my DAC and I have no idea why this is happening?#include "main.h" #include <stdint.h> #include "arm_math.h" ...
I created my application using the CubeMX. Here are my read and write routines, my QSPI initialization routine, and while loop. I am using the USB to display what is read from the QSPI flash memory. I am writing a string to the memory, but when I rea...
Hi, I'm using adc single channel with interrupt. the sample time is set as 56 cycles, and the adc clock is (108MHz/4=27MHz). So the sample rate is 27MHz/(56+12)=397KHz. I also using DAC to generate a sinewave with the frequency of 1KHz. If what I cal...
Dear All,Board: Nucleo - H745ZI-QWhat am I trying to do ?I am trying to measure pulse width of an signal using input capture mode of timer 2 channel 1. Then multiply that width by two and wait for that much time and generate an output pulse using out...
I configured timer1 for pwm generation center aligned like below in cube ide.I update duty cycle writing directly CCRx register asyncronously in the code.Most of the time pulses are effectively center aligned but sometimes not (nor left or right ali...
Dear All,Board: Nucleo - H745ZI-QWhat am I trying to do ?I want to measure pulse width of an input signal using a busy loop and a timer. I keep monitoring a pin configured as input , when a zero is detected (by default input is around 3 volts), a fun...
Documentation say ADC have max 4Msps, but it refer olways to 60MHz to adc (60MHz * 15 cycle = 4Msps) but manual say ADC max frequency is 170MHz, then 170MHz * 15cycle = 11Msps.This clock is different from Fadc (aka adc kernel clock)?