Hello,I’m learning embedded development with a J-Trace Pro and an STM32L552E-EV board. After downloading the trace demo project from the segger wiki, I try to debug it with Segger Embedded Studio and Ozone.Here is the board information.https://www.st...
Hi, i need to receive serial data as ISR. i have 3 USART module. this is my test code. this is work fine. but some time suddenly stop the firing ISR routing of receiving event .when i call this line after stop the modem RX ISR function HAL_UART_Recei...
Hello, in my project I'd like to use printf for print debug messages, but if write printf("Test"), I don't see the string on the UART.I have redirect printf:#ifdef __GNUC__ /* With GCC, small printf (option LD Linker->Libraries->Small printf set to ...
I am using an STM32L476 to run an MMC5983MA magnetometer and a LIS2HH12 accelerometer, using I2C. The devices are initialised using the STM cube generated code, then the registers are set, and then checked. When I check the accelerometer registers, ...
Hello everybody,i have a problem with the RTC Calib Out (1Hz) on PB2 and TimeStamp Input PC13 (Board: NUCLEO-L4R5ZI).PPS (1 Hz clock) should be on PB2 (RTC_Calib_Out) for time synchronization with other chips.PC13 should be configured as TimeStamp In...
Hello Team,I want to use STM32L432KC with W25Q16. I have generated the code through CubeMx. I have tried to ready ID from W25Q16, and I getting 0xFF. When i have tried with the Arduino UNO board, it is working perfectly. /* SPI1 parameter configurati...
At some communities, some people can use STM32H750 token for 2M kBytes. why? for ecample ARMFLAY's H7-TOOL production ,it's amount of code is much larger than 128 kBytes. could we do copy this ?
HiI'm trying to implement SAE J1708 / J1587 on stm32f103CB, however I couldn't find how to detect collision occurred, the article ( https://www.kvaser.com/about-can/can-standards/j1708/ ) only mentioned both sending nodes have to release control of...