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Forum Posts

STM32H753 writing option bytes stalls execution

Hi,We are using an STM32H753 (revision V) and using the bank swap functionality to implement a firmware update system. To do this we need to write to the option bytes to toggle the bank swap bit.This process works but we have noticed that when the cu...

NPato by Associate III
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Artuan by Associate II
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Does remap of CAN1 pins work on STM32-E407?

I bought a few Olimex STM32-E407 boards lately. I need to use the CAN1 bus. However, the default PA11, and PA12 have not populated, and I remapped to PD0 and PD1. The code always failed immediately at CAN_init (generated by STM32CubeMX). No choice, I...

schow.11 by Associate II
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TIM2 DMA PWM to PA2 get no effect

my type is stm32f031c6. i used TIM2_CH3 binding to DMA1_Channel1 , and set in PWM1_MODE.i find the PA2 no AFIO register to remapping function. the PA2 gotta no PWM pulse.

Jseyn.1 by Associate III
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