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STM32F446ZE spread spectrum clock generation

Hello,I am looking at the documentation for spread spectrum clock generation and I can't see how or where it should be implemented.Any help or pointing towards the documentation that will explain it would be appreciated.Thanks

Ckerl.2 by Associate II
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Running STM32H745 at 480 MHz and using WFI

Hello,In RM0399 Rev 3, way down in the SYSCFG section 13.3.10 describing SYSCFG_PWRCR, we have the following note at the end of the register description:"Note: VOS0 must be activated only in VOS1 mode. It must be disabled by software before entering ...

Is a example available for PWM NPWM usage?

DearI have configured TIM1 Channel1 as PWM and I would like to use the NPWM feature too.Therefore I have configuted the channel as PWM NPWM channel and set the according GPIOs.I must have made a mistake in the MXCube configuration.The PWM output perf...

MKunz.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Is there TSL library support for STM32G0 ?

Evaluating STM32G0, I noticed in product brochure en.flstm32g0.pdf :Embedded Software The STM32CubeG0 package includes the STM32Cube HAL and lowlayer (LL) APIs peripheral drivers, plus a consistent set of middleware components (RTOS, USB, USB Power D...

IVill.1 by Associate II
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