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Forum Posts

STM32F072C8 Reliability Information for ISO26262 ASIL

I dont want to use the MIL HBK 217 to calculate the MTBF/FIT rate because it will be dreadfully low. Could you please provide the reliability(MTBF/FIT) information for the STM32F072C8 micro? Thank you I need this for an ASIL project that we are wo...

MBrem.2 by Associate
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SD card class

Hi everybody,With a 4 bits SDIO and stm32f446RE i can read and write data from SD using the FatFs lib, no problem. Ths Sd card is a sanDisk Ultra 8GB (10) MicroSd HC1 class1461. using 512bytes transfers (sector size), the write speed is not so amazin...

papageno by Associate III
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If Nucleo only has LD6 glowing, is my board broken?

Working with a Nucleo H743ZI2 board; after connecting the board to an external circuit I think the board was damaged. When connected via the STLink port, the LD6 light remains on and nothing else. I think LD6 indicates overcurrent. Anyone have any su...

JChan.0 by Associate II
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Does the STM32G474 support vector table remapping?

I've searched the Programming Manual for VTOR and read through looking for something similar but I couldn't find anything.With the STM32F030 (M0) I copied the vector table to a reserved section of RAM and remapped to the RAM to use a vector table tha...

Issues with Avast CyberCapture

When I try to install the workshop materials I get this file removed from Avast Antvirus stating that it is not save to install. Is this expected or something weird is going on my machine?

0693W000005C2EnQAK.bmp 0693W000005C2DaQAK.bmp
ADonc.1 by Associate II
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