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Forum Posts

RTC Alarm Callback Double Firing

The name. Basically using RTC interrupts to run the call back function every minute and increment a minute counter to do stuff with. However sometimes the minute double fires. There was a post regarding TIM2 firing twice and I tried to clear RTC flag...

In STM32f103c8t6 RTC Time not updated

Hi all,I am working on stm32f103c8t6 controller.I am using LSI Clock of 40MHZ & external clock of 36MHZ.I am trying to read the clock after power off &n on by using the following code.Eventhough the 3.3v is detected on the pin,the clock is not gettin...

All EXTI interrupts work except PA3

Hello, It's a discussion continuity of the thread: replace PA3 instead of PA1, now all interrupt sw works except PA3... whats happen to this PA3 interrupt?...

Resolved! STM32G4 DAC DMA double data

I can produce a sine wave using DAC1 + DMA on a STMG431CBU6 MCU, but I'd like to increase the frequency (purely as a learning exercise).  In the application note

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Repwoc by Associate III
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Resolved! Unable to program the flash memory

Hi ST Support Team, I am using the stm32f103rct6 mcu in my custom board.  I am using the inbuild flash API's to write data into the flash memory. I have checked the erase api is working properly, I am able to see the 0xff at all locations without any...

AADESH by Associate II
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Resolved! G070CBT6 Strange issue with reset line falling down...

Hi, I'm facing a very strange issue with my G070CBT6-based board... When I start work and power up the board everything works fine for a couple of minutes (let's say 5 minutes ) but later I can observe some disturbances on the reset pin... I connect ...

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MKowalski by Associate II
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Resolved! Nucleo-H723ZG Ethernet implemntaion

hi,    I'm new to STM32 and I need assistance with Ethernet configuration on the Nucleo-H7Z3G board. I'm starting from the beginning and hence I want to achieve the following: 1. Configuration of the Ethernet interface: RMII/MII on Nucleo-H7Z3G 2. Co...

Resolved! 16bit @ RGB565 LTDC Display

Hi,I am trying to connect 24bit RGB 480x272 display with stm32h723zgt6 but i have pin shortage due to many pin assigned for other purpose  and earlier i used FSMC 16bit RGB  display .16bit @ RGB565 LTDC Display mainly i  need to have lower memory con...

MMARI.1 by Senior
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