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Forum Posts

STM32L412 and reference voltage buffer

STM32L412xx datasheet DS12469 even in Rev. 8 talks about � Accurate 2.5 V or 2.048 V reference voltage buffered outputon the front page. The reference manual gives only availability on L43 and L45.

Corrupted data via SPI_HAL_Receive in STM32F407

Dear friends, I need your help with the issue of data corruption when reading the data on SPI bus in STM32F407. I'm using 24 channels of temperature measurement (slaves) with one master STM32F407. 12 channels are connected to SPI1, other 12 channels ...

OVeli.1 by Associate II
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Code alters a variable on itself

Hello,I want to be able to do multiple routines in my stm32 code. I went for the option to use Switch case statements. The problem is after the code has done one iteration the variable that is used in the switch statement(routine_test) changes on its...

HBesi.1 by Associate II
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