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Forum Posts

Resolved! Setting up TIM8 strange issue

Hi All,I am setting up TIM8 CH1 and CH3 on a STM32G431 and am seeing a strange result. First of all, I am using an external signal coming in on PC6 TIM8 CH1. For TIM8 CH3 I am only using a software trigger internal to the MCU, I'm not using any exter...

BTrem.1 by Senior II
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How to checkif an EEPROM exists at I²C?

Hello!I'm trying to detect if a removable EEPROM exists in a given system, but I ran into some problems.With configuration  STM_enableRCCAPB1PeriphClock( RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, ENABLE ); STM_resetRCCAPB1PeriphCmd( RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, DISABLE ); I2C_Cm...

KSchü.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Issues trying to get USART writing to a console. It only works when I have stlink connected. As soon as I disconnect stlink the output stops. The output does seem to go through USART2_TX (PA9) as disconnecting it stops the output

I am using STM32L010F4 20 pin on a simple breakout board.I am running STM32CubeIde and using a STM32Lc100-disco as my programmer via SYS_SWCLK (PA14), SYS_SWDIO (PA13) and NRST.All works well can get SPI etc running no problem.I mapped USART2_RX to P...

Jdu P.1 by Associate
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Interrupt management

I would like to create a kind of calendar with one STM32 MC. When the application will advise me to do scheduled activities. I was thinking to use timer interrupt and I would like to know if there is a quantity limitation of timer interrupt per STM32...

Wdowa.1 by Associate II
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Is This Read Disturb Effect of STM32F4?

Hi, dear sir or madam in team,In my project, I use STM32F407VGT6 as CPU for a digital control power supply. I use one sector (not the last sector) of flash memory for storing some constant conversion coefficients for ADC. (There are more than 13 conv...

JYou.4 by Associate
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Resolved! D-shot with STM32F765: timer + pwm + dma

Hi all,I have a STM32F765, which i want to use to generate 4 D-shot signals on 4 GPIO, in the specific 4 gpio connected to Timer 1 .The timer is set as 4 channel pwm with DMA (memory to perpheral).The issue is that i'm able to generate the desired si...

Pmica.1 by Associate II
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