2021-10-20 11:43 PM
#include "ESP8266.h"
#include "ESP8266Config.h"
bool Wifi_SendRaw(uint8_t *data,uint16_t len)
if(len <= _WIFI_TX_SIZE)
// Send the information in data through the UART of the ESP8266
if(HAL_UART_Transmit(&_WIFI_USART,data,len,900) == HAL_OK)
return true;
return false;
return false;
bool Wifi_SendString(char *data)
return Wifi_SendRaw((uint8_t*)data,strlen(data));
bool Wifi_SendStringAndWait(char *data,uint16_t DelayUs)
return false;
return true;
bool Wifi_WaitForString(uint32_t TimeOut_ms,uint8_t *result,uint8_t CountOfParameter,...)
* It uses the CountOfParameter and the Parameters after that to compare with the
* information that it was received in the UART RX. If the parameter is in the
* received string the functions return a true value and the position of the
* parameter (according to the position in the function)
* Ex:
* Wifi_WaitForString(_WIFI_WAIT_TIME_LOW,&result,2,"OK","ERROR")
* If the ESP8266 return a AT+OK after the last command, the function is going to
* return a true value and the result number would be 1.
if(result == NULL)
return false;
if(CountOfParameter == 0)
return false;
va_list tag;
va_start (tag,CountOfParameter);
char *arg[CountOfParameter];
for(uint8_t i=0; i<CountOfParameter ; i++)
arg[i] = va_arg (tag, char *);
va_end (tag);
for(uint32_t t=0 ; t<TimeOut_ms ; t+=20)
for(uint8_t mx=0 ; mx<CountOfParameter ; mx++)
*result = mx+1;
return true;
// timeout
return false;
bool Wifi_ReturnString(char *result,uint8_t WantWhichOne,char *SplitterChars)
if(result == NULL)
return false;
return false;
char *str = (char*)Wifi.RxBuffer;
str = strtok (str,SplitterChars);
if(str == NULL)
return false;
while (str != NULL)
str = strtok (NULL,SplitterChars);
if(str != NULL)
return true;
return false;
bool Wifi_ReturnStrings(char *InputString,char *SplitterChars,uint8_t CountOfParameter,...)
if(CountOfParameter == 0)
return false;
va_list tag;
va_start (tag,CountOfParameter);
char *arg[CountOfParameter];
for(uint8_t i=0; i<CountOfParameter ; i++)
arg[i] = va_arg (tag, char *);
va_end (tag);
char *str;
str = strtok (InputString,SplitterChars);
if(str == NULL)
return false;
uint8_t i=0;
while (str != NULL)
str = strtok (NULL,SplitterChars);
if(str != NULL)
return true;
return false;
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-10-21 7:47 AM
When you report a problem it's always helpful to indicate all the details: what STM32 you are using, what compiler, etc.
From the screen copy "Error[Pe028]" I suppose you are using IAR EWARM development environment.
the line "char *arg[CountOfParameter];" is a declaration of a variable length array. The array size will be known only at run time and will be dynamically allocated by the compiler-provided support library.
In IAR EWARM to enable this feature you have to check "Standard C" / "Allow VLA" in C/C++Compiler configuration in project options.
2021-10-21 7:47 AM
When you report a problem it's always helpful to indicate all the details: what STM32 you are using, what compiler, etc.
From the screen copy "Error[Pe028]" I suppose you are using IAR EWARM development environment.
the line "char *arg[CountOfParameter];" is a declaration of a variable length array. The array size will be known only at run time and will be dynamically allocated by the compiler-provided support library.
In IAR EWARM to enable this feature you have to check "Standard C" / "Allow VLA" in C/C++Compiler configuration in project options.