I was working with SPI dma transmision. I config two channels for transmit and receive, however I didn't enable interrupt option in dma, however, before each transmision I cleared tc flag, and then enable spi while polling the tc flag. This works rea...
Use two NUCLEO-H743ZI boards for SPI communication. Full-duplex DMA mode. When the baud rate is 25M, the master and the slave can receive the data correctly. At 50M and 100M, the slave can receive the data correctly, but the master cannot receive the...
Hello, In India, the STM32F407 discovery board is out of stock. I enquired many vendors like element14, Digikey and other locals, it's not at all available. Did ST stop the production of this ? Will it be availabel in the future ? which is the close ...
Hello there.Our design currently utilizes MDMA for intensive writes from SRAM4 to FMC bus area. Transfer is setup with double word transactions, witch is critical for performance. DMA 1/2 or BDMA is simply do not cut it due to lack of AXI access i gu...
The document AN2867 (Oscillator design guide for STM8AF/AL/S, STM32 MCUs and MPUs) defines to groups for the F4 series: F4_g1 and F4_g2. There is a list with the controllers for each group, but the STM32F413 is not mentioned.
Hi,Can someone help me identify what I am doing wrong ?Still having issues with the DMA, but with Rx DMA instead. The issue with Tx DMA is fixed.I am trying to send 4 chars from a terminal to the H743 rxbuf array using DMA.In the debugger window, the...
I want to use flash as eeprom by using hal library on stm32l476rg.How can I create the flash_read() and flash_write() functions? (functions will read and write data of type uint32_t)
Hi, There is a feature provided by ST in the L475 controller that Modbus/RTU communication using USART. Can we ignore the USART RX interrupt as the end of block detection interrupt provided by this feature to collect the data?Is this block detection ...
I am trying to catch levels out of threshold using ADC and analog watchdog on NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q. Unfortunately analog watchdog fires interrupt even when value is within the guarded range. I came across this example: https://community.st.com/s/article/h...