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Forum Posts

SysTick interrupt does not work

Using St Cube IDE 1.6.0, I create new project for STM32G491KE.When debugging the project I noticed that Systick interrupt is not getting called. Systick STK_VAL register is changing, and STL_CTRL register COUNTFLAG bit is set. Interrupt in stm32g4xx_...

TMark.14 by Associate III
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Voltage on uninitialised pins?

Hello,I'm developing a project using STM32G491RC MCU. It currently sits on a custom-made PCB supplied by a two stage buck power supply on-board.When the MCU was powered up using on-board power supply, I see voltages appearing on pins that are not eve...

Aqib by Associate
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Resolved! USB Host mode Configuration in stm32h503rbt6 controller

@hi all, I newly working in USB Host mode configuration in stm32h503rbt6 controller using Keil software(without Hall code),this isn't very easy for me, I can't understand, how to use this method.actually, this implementation is to communicate (stm32 ...

Mohan30 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F103ZFH6 SPI3_SCK (PB3) Not working.

Hello! I am trying to enable SPI communication through the SPI3 interface on an STM32F103ZFH6. I am aware that pins PA15 and PB3 are used for JTAG and SWJ, but I have disabled both using:GPIO_PinRemapConfig(GPIO_Remap_SWJ_Disable, ENABLE); There is n...

Maigonis by Associate II
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Resolved! SDIO support for STM32H7

Hi, ST.I want to know if the stm32h7(h750vb) series supports sdio? The spec sheet only describes the SDMMC peripheral (memory card etc.), but I want to use SDIO in my project to connect with esp32 to use WIFI (using esp-hosted library). I want to kno...

Error localhost:61234: Connection timed out.

Error in final launch sequence:Failed to execute MI command:target remote localhost:61234Error message from debugger back end:localhost:61234: Connection timed out.Failed to execute MI command:target remote localhost:61234Error message from debugger ...

ADębs.1 by Senior
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Resolved! Where to find documentation on registers?

I am unable to find documentation on the different registers for hardware. I see registers like `TIM2->CCR1` mentioned everywhere, but I can not seem to find docs for it.Does someone have an idea where I can find the documentation for registers and f...

DavidL_ by Associate III
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STm32Wl55 WakeUp Radio from Low Power Mode

Hello!I am using the STM32WL55 microcontroller and the NUCLEO WL55JC1 development board. My goal is to resume execution after a low power mode through a LoRa radio reception. In run mode, the microcontroller can exchange radio signals. My problem is ...

Henry77 by Associate II
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