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Resolved! STM32H7B3I-DK ADC Control register(ADC_CR) BOOST bits

I'm checking the ADC operation with STM32H7B3I-DK board.​To set adc clock frequency up to 50MHz​, i tried to change BOOST bits of ADC_CR register.​However, unlike the rm0455 document that states that bits 8 and 9 (BOOST bits region) can be set, when ...

SPark.28 by Associate II
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Delay generator based on STM32F429

HelloI am trying to delay a 1Hz digital signal.I would like to generate a delay varying from a few microseconds to 10 ms.I tried to use ETR, TI1_ED and PWM input but I didn't manage to found out how to do.Does anyone has an idea on how to proceed?Bes...

Resolved! STM32G4 DAC white noise

How to set up white noise in stm32g431kb DAC?​DAC works, I can produce sine wave but cant generate white noise.​​​I set DAC->CR WAVE1 to 01 (noise), DAC->CR TEN1 to 1 (trigger enable) and DAC->CR EN to 1 (enable). Tried to set also DAC->CR MAMP1 from...

oeliks by Senior
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UART4 and UART5 Receive DMA interrupt on STM32F767ZI

I am using receive DMA to mange reception of data on UART4 and UART5.The setting of both UARTs is identical. UAERT4_RX is using DMA1 Stream 2UAERT5_RX is using DMA1 Stream 0I’m using halt transmit, transmit completed callbacks and idle interrupt to m...

MGold.1 by Associate
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Resolved! What kind of chips can I connect to QuadSPI bus

Hello dear experts,Reading the ST literature abour QuadSpi, I noticed that they only mention the flash as available peripheral chips on the QuadSPI Ibus. i would like to increase the amount of RAM on the stm32F446RE to create a buffer when writing to...

papageno by Associate III
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