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Forum Posts

STM32H7 why is Dcache faster than DTCMRAM ?

I am benchmarking Stm32h7 processor on floating point operations and using CYCCNT to measure the performance difference .I placed my function in ITCM-RAM. which is just a function that does double math multiplication 10,000 times, the 4 variables use...

xchen.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H7 HRTIM Single-shot mode

Hi, I want to use HRTIM to generate active low pulse of width 50ms. The functionality is to generate single 50ms pulse to enable external counter IC. Are there examples to configure HRTIM in single-shot mode.HRTIM kernel freq is 200MHz. Prescaler is...

KGane.1 by Associate III
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Double complementary death time with STM32-F401RE board

Hi everyone; i followed the tutorial to get two output PWM signal with 10us of death time but i also tried to do a double complementary death time to have 4 signals with rispect death time but it doesn't work. In the main i add two mor command HAL_TI...

SMusc.1 by Associate III
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STM32H750XBH6 HSE Crystal

HelloChallange to find a 25MHz HSE crystal due to extended lead times.Please let me know if this quartz crystal will work?ABM11-25.000MHZ-D2X-T320PPMFrom my point of view I think it will work.Please have a look and confirm. Thank you for your help!ht...

BHell.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! HAL - Why is the PWM pulse callback not triggering?

Hi there,I would like to execute some code in an interrupt handler when the pulse value for TIM16 is reached. But for some reason, none of the interrupts provided by HAL seem to trigger for this event.I have setup the timer using the configuration to...

JWyli.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! FDCAN is not working in the stm32h745ziq development board?

Hi Team,I am using the stm32h745ziq as my development board to develop the FDCAN. To implement this I am not able to find any example for this FDCAN to this particular board.Can you please send me any FDCAN example program to this NUCLEO-STM32H745.Be...

Sm.2 by Associate II
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