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STM32-L452RE comparator triggering in both edges

Hey!I have been with a problem with the stm32l452 comparator for a few days now and I can't figure it out. The interrupt of COMP1 triggers on both edges rather than rising edge.I tried differents configurations but main is the following:hcomp1.Init.I...

PParo.2 by Associate II
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I2C with 5 MHz - possible?

If I understand STM32H7xx datasheet, I2C peripherals support up to 1 MHz (FM, FM+), 'officially'.I would need an I2C with 5 MHz SCL clock.I tried and have 'overclocked' I2C with 2 MHz which works fine.Based on the clock configuration (e.g. a 50 MHz P...

STM32H743 interfacing with STUSB1602

HelloI need to interface a STM32H743 with a STUSB1602. I want to port STM32F072_MB1303_DRP_SRCING_DEVICE example to my STM32H743 and use it to control 5x STUSB1602. It seem like this example uses RTOS- Has anyone successful done this or can they reco...

MMevo.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! DMA not working on STM32F303RET6

I'm struggling to get DMA working on a PWM Timer. I've read just about everything i can, but not having any luck get it working.Running this code.. produces a PWM signal as expected on the output.TIM1->CCR1 = 50; HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim1, TIM_CHANN...


STM32H7 Eval board ADC accuracy

Hello everyone,I am currently trying to get the ADC on the STM32H745ZIQ to work like it should according to the AN *Getting started with the STM32H7 Series MCU 16-bit ADC - Application note.On page 3 the spectrum is shown along with the measurement s...

krausiul by Associate
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Hello, I created a simple ADC project for the STM32F302R8, for polling operation it works, when I add an interrupt, the value is not read. I attach the code and ask for any suggestions.

#include <stdint.h>#include <stdio.h>#include "stm32f302x8.h"void delay1(void);volatile uint32_t value;int main(void){   RCC->AHBENR = 1U<<28;   RCC->AHBENR |= 1U<<17;   GPIOA->MODER |= (1U<<8); //ADC1_IN5   GPIOA->MODER |= (1U<<9);   ADC1_COMMON->CC...

KSuch.3 by Associate
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Read Parallel CMOS ADC using Nucleo-H743ZI2

HI thereI am do a continues read an of ADC a parallel binary data at the speed from 4-16MSPS with nucleo-H743ZI2. The binary data is sent through 2 ADCs where each has a specific channel I(I0,I...

AElta.1 by Associate II
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