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So, what to expect from the 'C0?

As said, the 'C0 is mostly a cut-down 'G0. Let's now put aside the "is it a true STM8 replacement" and the price-related discussion, let's just have a look at what we can and what we can't find in these chips. I had a look at the DS and RM and here a...

STM32U585 + SAI

Dear Sir.I use ICS-43434 connected to STM32U585 through SAI.The lines of the ICS-43434 SD,SCK,WS works fine ,But when the interrupt is enabled the program crash.Attached some code frgaments.Main.c.MX_SAI1_Init();static void MX_SAI1_Init(void){ /* USE...

HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA() won't start a transfer in a CubeMX project that I cloned. No activity on SPI bus. HAL call returns success. .IOC and generated files all compare successfully. (only changed some GPIO, SPI is configured same) What could I be missing ?

I simply wanted to make an identical program but with a different GPIO pinout. The SPI busses are all on the same pins and configured the same. What could I have touched that would cause the SPI transfer to not start ? I had to switch to HAL_SPI_Re...

Caveman by Associate II
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UART2 Output Stripped - NUCLEO-F401RE

Working on a prototype and am using HAL_UART_Transmit to output to UART2. Upon output over UART2 the string seems to be truncated. Code below:```char stuff[] = "HELLO YOU FINE FELLOW";HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2,stuff,sizeof(stuff),1);```Output is HELL...

Ghomi.1 by Associate
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MAX3232 Stops Translating When STM32L0 Running

I'm trying to interface a L0538 Discovery board to a simple TTL-to-RS232 converter board that uses a MAX3232 IC (off-the-shelf from Amazon). I have VCC, GND and TX/RX from the Discovery board (UART1) wired to the converter board. I used Cube to set u...

nobbyv77 by Associate II
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